M A D N E S S   S H A R E D  
V I A   Y O U R   
A U D I T O R Y   N E R V E

The Folie À Deux Podcast was a podcast project that initially began in collaboration with US mental health charity Strong 365 & evolved into a personal project intended to question the collective understanding of so called ‘madness.’ 

In late 2023 I began seeing clients therapeutically. Initially my intention was for my private practice to be a radically peer support focused space with a very broad breadth of creative offerings. However, I found myself becoming very unwell and had to take some time away from both podcasting as well as working therapeutically.

I realised that being as open and detailed as I had been about my personal mental health struggles, in both my practice and the podcast, was no longer feeling safe to me. I decided to end and archive the Folie À Deux Podcast and refocus my therapeutic offering - which I was also marketing under the same name. I began practicing under my name, Freyia Lilian, focusing solely on working with my clients on exploring their experience of embodiment, body image and relationships with food and eating.

Through producing the Folie À Deux Podcast I gained a whole new skill set - learning basic sound editing skills; honing my communication abilities; and practicing counselling skills.

I currently have a new podcast project, Heavenly Bodies, in pre production which will be a space to explore the experience of embodiment with special guests, including some of my clients. I hope that this project will act as a strand of my therapeutic practice’s outreach and marketing strategy.

Copyright © 2024, Freyia Lilian