Freyia Lilian (she/her) helps curious folk explore fractured relationships with food, eating & body image.


Meet Freyia

Freyia is pictured in a black and white portrait. Her hair is up and curls fall around her face. She is smiling with her mouth closed. She is wearing a black top with a round collar and small shell buttons down the front.

Theories, approaches & foundations to this work

  • Developed by seasoned dieticians Elyse Resch (my wonderful supervisor) and Evelyn Tribole, Intuitive Eating (IE) is a weight inclusive, evidence based framework designed to improve difficult relationships with food, eating and embodiment.

    Summarised by Resch as “a dynamic interplay of instinct, emotion and thought” IE consists of 10 ‘principles.’ Each designed to reattune you to your interoceptive experiences (internal bodily sensations) and investigate your rules, beliefs, and thoughts about food, eating and bodies.

    The framework is firmly rooted in social justice and is anti diet culture.

  • Developed by psychologist, neuroscientist and researcher, Dr Steven Porges, Polyvagal Theory identifies three primary states of the autonomic nervous system:

    These states can blend to create hybrid states of:

    • Activity/Playfulness (the relaxed state merged with the mobilised state)

    • Calm/Intimacy (the relaxed state merged with the immobilised state)

    • The ‘freeze’ stress response (the mobilised state merged with the immobilised state.)

    I teach my clients to explore and recognise their unique felt experiences of each state.

  • An embodied approach to personal styling takes into account how clothing feels physically as well as the emotional feelings clothes can evoke in the imagination of the wearer and others. It places emphasis on seeking comfort from personal style - whatever that means to you.

    Embodied Styling does not seek to impose a ‘right’ way to dress or profess that everybody should place importance on their physical appearance. Instead, the approach examines someone’s current style; how they feel about it; what it could communicate in different contexts and experiment with making empowered changes.

“My initial hope for working with Freyia was to deepen my understanding of Intuitive Eating - this work is so much more useful & interesting than I expected.

I feel I am at the beginning of a very meaningful process. ”

— Julie D, Current client

  • Interested in working together? Let’s get together for a coffee to see how we click.

    I offer all potential clients a thirty minute meeting for free via Google Meet.

    If you live within the Brighton & Hove area of the UK, dependent on my availability, I may be able to meet you in person.

    Just fill out this form and I will get back to you within one working week to arrange.

  • Our thirty minute coffee meet will be your chance to ask me any clarifying questions, as well as letting me know what you are interested in working on together.

    If we decide to collaborate, we will embark on a ‘discovery period’ of up to six pay-as-you-go sessions.

  • During our ‘discovery period’ we will examine your current situation; explore what you’d like to work on together; and agree a departure point and focus.

    You’re welcome to up to six sessions during ‘discovery’. They can be booked in one go, or one at a time, subject to availability. You are welcome to experiment with session length and cadence to see what suits you.

    I offer one hour, ninety minute or two hour sessions. Scroll down for prices.

    All ‘discovery sessions’ can be paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis.

  • At the end of our ‘discovery period’ we will arrange our first ‘review’ to talk about how you are finding our work and if/how you would like to move forwards.

    If we decide to continue working together, we will also use this session to create a personalised agreement.

    Our agreement will lay out the frequency and length of our sessions; how long our first ‘ongoing period’ of work will be; as well as the cost and payment plan.

    There is more information on how I handle payments if you scroll down to the next section of this web page.

  • Once our agreement has been signed, our first ‘ongoing period’ of sessions will begin.

    As standard, ‘ongoing sessions’ are all paid for in advance on a monthly basis. If this payment plan is impossible for you to commit to I am open to negotiation.

    At the end of your first ‘ongoing period’ we will meet for our second ‘review.’ We can use this time to reflect on our progress; evaluate our focus; if necessary, make any changes to our agreement; decide how long our next ‘ongoing period’ will be and book our next ‘review.’

    If we decide that our work together has come to it’s conclusion, we can arrange an optional ‘closing session.’

  • At the end of our time working together you have the option to meet for a ‘closing session.’

    During this session we can review our work, celebrate our wins and if relevant, discuss your transition to the next chapter of your self exploration story.

The Process

A woman with pale freckled skin leans towards the left of the image in profile. The photo is lit from the right hand side, with the left being somewhat in shadow. The image is cropped close so the image focuses on her neck and shoulder.

Sessions are priced on a sliding scale

  • I offer one client at a time who cannot afford the lowest price of my reduced fee bracket their sessions free of charge.

    I would love to have more resources to offer clients that cannot afford to pay for my services and I hope in future I will be able to do this.

    For free in person sessions, a small fee is required of £11 per hour for room hire when sessions take place at Sanare Studio.

  • Online

    1 hour
    £15 - £49

    90 mins
    £25 - £74

    2 hours
    £30 - £99


    IRL @ Sanare Studio, 108 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1FA

    1 hour
    £30 - £59

    90 mins
    £45 - £79

    2 hours
    £60 - £119

  • Online

    1 hour

    90 mins

    2 hours


    IRL @ Sanare Studio, 108 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1FA

    1 hour

    90 mins

    2 hours

  • I stand by ASDAH’s (The Association for Size Diversity and Health) statement that health “cannot be characterised as the absence of physical or mental illness, limitation, or disease. Rather, health exists on a continuum that varies with time and circumstance for each individual. Health should be conceived as a resource or capacity available to all regardless of health condition or ability level, and not as an outcome or objective of living. Pursuing health is neither a moral imperative nor an individual obligation, and health status should never be used to judge, oppress, or determine the value of an individual.”

    I am happy to work with clients whose mental and/or physical health impacts their day to day living. Please remember though that my work does not intend to replace medical eating disorder treatment; work with a licensed dietician or nutritionist; work with a psychologist; work with a physician; or crisis care.

    As a GSRD (gender, sex and relationship diversity) aware practitioner my practice is queer affirming; trans inclusive; kink aware; and non judgmental towards non monogamous relationship structures and lifestyles.

    I recognise the existence of patriarchy and how this cultural structure negatively effects people of all genders and sexes.

    I also recognise that people of colour continue to be discriminated against in myriad ways in modern society.

    I offer sliding scale fees and one free slot in my schedule to make as much space for those on lower incomes that my current circumstances allow.

    I hold space in my practice for people of all faiths, spiritual beliefs or lack of.

    However, I acknowledge that as a human I am imperfect and will make mistakes as I continue to dismantle the ways in which my thoughts and actions have been negatively shaped by systemic social injustice.

    I believe the current mainstream culture (in the UK at least, where I live) divorces us from our bodies, promoting putting their basic needs to the side in service of making us ‘more productive.’ This wellbeing practice is my small act of resistance.

    My cultural résumé is that I am a white; university educated; monogamous; femme; heteroflexible; ‘mid-size’; cis woman from a working class background. I have personal experience of physical and mental illness as well as the negative effects of systemic oppression. I also I have many privileges that are unearned.

Copyright © 2024, Freyia Lilian